Friday, April 26, 2013

friends become best friend, best friend becomes stranger

As we move through our lives we make friends, enjoy friends and then we go our separate ways and find new friends and the cycle starts over again. We really never totally lose friends because we are influenced by their thoughts, words and deeds and we share our thoughts, words and deeds with them. We do indeed become what we take with us through life, from friends.

That is why we should be so very careful choosing our friends. because some people wanna be friend with us to fits their need. They do influence us regardless if we want them to or not. God blesses us with just a few friends that we remain close to, sometimes. and If God remove one of our friend just let it be , because God has a plan. and He knows the best for us.

if you asked me, did i ever have this experience? and the answer is yes!

not long time ago i had a friend. and yeah we were so close , we used to contact and go some where with each other everyday and every time we can. sometimes he accompany me to campus even though i went to class at 08.00 am. he was so nice to me , i told everything to him even my secret. and when he broke down i stay beside him because i know that he need someone to cheer him up, i really care about him and he said that he cared about me too, so i did it i stayed beside him, until he got a new job. because we were so close back then some people asked me that are we a lover or not? that question keeps coming until both of us kinda tired to heard it. and there's a rumour that he just using me but back then i never tought about it. thats were the problem pops up. after a half and a year we closed, finally we talked about us.  where we were taking this relationship to, and we agree to be friend not a lover because there are somethings that not klik between us and he want to focus on work so if this relationship keep continue, than it will be in vain. back then i really sad and angry maybe so i'm kinda stern and grumpy to him and i think that's the end of our friendship because after that he never spoke to me again even we meet. he unfollowed me at everywhere (twitter, and instagram). yeah after what he did i don't know until now sometimes i still pray for him and his family at  night. And now i heard that he is happy, he got a girlfriend. i wish that he can long last with his girlfriend. if he's happy, i'm happy too. 

but i can't blame you the least bit. it's kinda shame that bestfriend becomes stranger , but that's how it is.

so i just pray to God to give me a strenght to through this. and i got some lovely verses about friendship that i want to share

Proverbs 18:24
A man of many companions may come to ruin, but there is a friend who sticks closer than a brother.

Proverbs 22:24-25
Do not make friends with a hot-tempered man, do not associate with one easily angered, or you may learn his ways and get yourself ensnared 

Ecclesiastes 4:9-10
Two are better than one, because they have a good return for their work; If one falls down, his friend can help him up. But pity the man who falls and has no one to help him up!


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