Saturday, April 27, 2013

make up is girl's best friend

Make-up are care substances used to enhance the appearance or odor of the human body. They are generally mixtures of chemical compounds , some being derived from natural sources, many being synthetic.

Before buy the product we must know or recheck the chemical that they used. because it's for our skin. 
and re-check the product if the product that you want to buy do an animal testing, prefer you search for another product. 

there are so many make up types like concealer, lipstick, lipgloss, eye primer, foundation, face powder, etc

today i want to review my beauty product that i used everyday 
so here it is

1.  Face Primer from Revlon Photoready
i never thought to buy a face primer. because i thought that only using a foundation is enough and i was wrong. my make up didn't stay longer . so i decided to buy a face primer from revlon and i think this stuff is good because the price is not so expensive and my make up stayed longer than before. if you are a newbie and want to buy a face primer . you can buy this product. 

2. Giordani Gold Bronzing Pearls from Oriflame 
i really love with this bronzer. maybe because the color suits to my skin. not to light and not to dark. i already use this product for 1 year. 

3.   Eye Palette Smoky Copper / Smoky Cuivre from Body Shop

i really love this palette because i can wear it to campus or work or hang out with a friend at the afternoon, the colors are not so "WOW" so you can used it for casual day but if you want the color lil bit darker you can buy same product but the other palette. The other one the color are more darker (black, silver, grey) and usualy it's for party different from this palette that i bought.

4.  Strong Cream Eye Liner from Etude House

For me Eye Liner is a must ! because i've a lil eyes hehe, so if i don't wear it , i'll look like a girl with a sleepy eyes ahaha and i really love with this cream liner from etude. the color is very dark and bold! so makes your eyes even bigger when you wear it.

4. Eye Primer from Revlon
 another brand from revlon that i like. it's Eye Primer. this can make your eyes shadow long last at your eyes. 

5.  BB Cream from Body Shop
the most epic fail for me, i don't know maybe it doesn't suit to my skins. because it makes my face very oily after using it like 3 hours. 

6.   Supreme Length Mascara from Giordani Gold (Oriflame)

This is my new mascara, kinda good for my eye lashes. it makes look bit longer. and it's very suits for univerity or hangout with a friend.

7.  False Lash Effect from Max Factor

This is my favorite mascara ! i've been used this for likes 6 months. it makes your eye lashes very long like you wear a fake eye lashes. if you want to buy a mascara, i recomended to buy this.

8.  Moisturising Whitening from Yves Rocher

before applying the face primer or everything else i always give my skins this. a moisturising whitening with SPF 25 so i don't need to wear a sunblock anymore. and i really love Yves Rocher's Product because it suits with my skins. i already have the toner and the foaming cleansel gel.

9.   Cocoa Butter Lip Care from Body Shop

Lip balm is a must! never ever forgot to bring this lovely stuff, or your lips can be cracked and dry and it's not sexy.
i choose this lip balm because i love the smell of the cocoa and after i used it . it's really help my lips.

10.  L'absolu Rouge 391 from Lancome

speechless with this product because it's very recomended for you !! love love love it!

11 .  660 Bed of Roses from Revlon
my casual lipstick haha yeah i know it's kinda red but if you just tap it on your lips, it makes your  lips look pinkish and so natural (just tap it like 4 times on your lips).

12.   040 Nude Lustre from Revlon
after using lipstick i always wear this lip gloss! because it's nude and make your lipstick bright and shiny.

13. Neutral 03 from Ultima II
almost forget this a foundation compact powder that i used , the color is suits for me, and me likey.

thats all if you guys have any other brand that recomended or good just tell me and leave a comment.


Friday, April 26, 2013

friends become best friend, best friend becomes stranger

As we move through our lives we make friends, enjoy friends and then we go our separate ways and find new friends and the cycle starts over again. We really never totally lose friends because we are influenced by their thoughts, words and deeds and we share our thoughts, words and deeds with them. We do indeed become what we take with us through life, from friends.

That is why we should be so very careful choosing our friends. because some people wanna be friend with us to fits their need. They do influence us regardless if we want them to or not. God blesses us with just a few friends that we remain close to, sometimes. and If God remove one of our friend just let it be , because God has a plan. and He knows the best for us.

if you asked me, did i ever have this experience? and the answer is yes!

not long time ago i had a friend. and yeah we were so close , we used to contact and go some where with each other everyday and every time we can. sometimes he accompany me to campus even though i went to class at 08.00 am. he was so nice to me , i told everything to him even my secret. and when he broke down i stay beside him because i know that he need someone to cheer him up, i really care about him and he said that he cared about me too, so i did it i stayed beside him, until he got a new job. because we were so close back then some people asked me that are we a lover or not? that question keeps coming until both of us kinda tired to heard it. and there's a rumour that he just using me but back then i never tought about it. thats were the problem pops up. after a half and a year we closed, finally we talked about us.  where we were taking this relationship to, and we agree to be friend not a lover because there are somethings that not klik between us and he want to focus on work so if this relationship keep continue, than it will be in vain. back then i really sad and angry maybe so i'm kinda stern and grumpy to him and i think that's the end of our friendship because after that he never spoke to me again even we meet. he unfollowed me at everywhere (twitter, and instagram). yeah after what he did i don't know until now sometimes i still pray for him and his family at  night. And now i heard that he is happy, he got a girlfriend. i wish that he can long last with his girlfriend. if he's happy, i'm happy too. 

but i can't blame you the least bit. it's kinda shame that bestfriend becomes stranger , but that's how it is.

so i just pray to God to give me a strenght to through this. and i got some lovely verses about friendship that i want to share

Proverbs 18:24
A man of many companions may come to ruin, but there is a friend who sticks closer than a brother.

Proverbs 22:24-25
Do not make friends with a hot-tempered man, do not associate with one easily angered, or you may learn his ways and get yourself ensnared 

Ecclesiastes 4:9-10
Two are better than one, because they have a good return for their work; If one falls down, his friend can help him up. But pity the man who falls and has no one to help him up!


Istanbul and Israel trip

hello this is my first blog, i'm kinda nervous and excited because it's very very new for me.
and here we go kyaaa.

well for the first post i think i'm gonna write about my trip last month. 
yes baby i went to Istanbul and Israel all by my self , well actualy not by myself but with a tour called Integrity Tour.

I heard this trip at my church and i'm very excited when i knew that the trip was on 24 March to 2 April, which mean i must ditch my study to go there, but it's okay because it's WORTH IT to go! 

so here's the picture enjoy :)

my ticket flight.

the wailing wall / Kotel 

 City night of Jerusalem

 Garden Tomb

 Gethsemane Mount of Olive

 Red wine at night

 Via Dolorosa

 Old City Of Jerusalem

 forgot this place but it's so beautiful

 The secret of Qumran

 Dead Sea

 Dead Sea view from my room

 Kafr Kanna 
 Baptise in Jordan River

 Jordan River

 Church of the Holy Sepulchre

 Welcome to Jordan River
 Mount Hermon

 i touch a snow kyaaa 

 me with a happy face 

 another view from Mount Hermon

 Love the red rose, it's so big 

 My Border Control 
My tour guide

 My dinner and this is my last meal in Israel

 Hallo Istanbul

 My hotel 

 Lunchie lunchie

 Lily Flower

 me with bright neon

 fashion show by naturel

 love this :)

 Walking on the street

 My last dinner at Istanbul

Goodbye it's time to go home.

So that's my trip. if you guys wanna go there please bring lip balm, sunblock and body lotion because the weather is so hot. it makes your skins so dry.

If you've an opportunity to go there. please don't hesitate because it's worth it! the place is so wonderfull and the local people very friendly, you wont regret it . i promises :)
